Fundamentals of Micro / Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (M/NEMS)
Cours Professeur invité d'UPE, Tianhong CUI, TIAN Lab, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, USA
Lieu : Amphi 260, ESIEE Paris, Cité Descartes à Noisy le Grand
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Langue du cours : Anglais
5 cours et 1 séminaire seront organisés comme suivant :
- jeudi 9 mars 2017, 15h - 18h, Amphi 260
- lundi 13 mars 2017, 15h - 18h, Amphi 260
- mercredi 15 mars 2017, 13h - 16h, Amphi 260
- jeudi 16 mars 2017, 15h - 18h, Amphi 260
- vendredi 17 mars 2017, 15h - 18h, Amphi 260
mercredi 15 mars 2017 de 10h à 11h30, Amphi 260 - Research seminar : Graphene-based sensors for water pollutants and biological media.
Objectifs :
- To know the major classes, components, and applications of MEMS, and to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles the operation of these MEMS devices/ systems.
- To gain an understanding of standard microfabrication techniques.
- To understand the unique requirements, environments, and applications of MEMS.
- To apply aknowledge of microfabrication techniques and applications to the design and manufacturing of a MEMS device or microsystem.
- To make the study of MEMS enjoyable.